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Learn when to apply EQ and IQ to advance your finance career

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December 1, 2022

A blog released by the FP&A Professionals explores the reliance of IQ within the corporate finance profession. 

"As Finance Business Partners, we tend to be analytical and data-driven by nature (and education). This is a good thing, since this trait is important, if not crucial, when working in Finance. Being able to identify and analyze data patterns is key. However, the analytical and data-driven approach is our comfort zone, and as illustrated above, we need to leave it from time to time to keep learning and foster creativity."

The role of corporate finance is evolving from simply counting and reporting on numbers to becoming a strategic business partner to the rest of the enterprise. The most effective finance leaders today and future CFOs must acquire more EQ in order to support relationships across business areas. 

The article provides a brief description of how to compare these two types of cognitive styles:

Intellectual Quotient, or IQ, determines our level of reasoning and problem solving abilities. Emotional Quotient, or EQ, determines our ability to recognize, differentiate, and manage our emotions and the emotions of others.

FP&A Professionals rely on IQ to support the following areas:

  • Data
  • Reports
  • Analysis
  • Insights

EQ becomes more important for these areas:

  • Influence
  • Impact

Learn why both IQ and EQ are important to advance your corporate finance career.

Read the Full Article 

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